Friday, December 15, 2006

My pyjamas can wrap their arms around you

I just watched The Pyjama Girl Case and felt it would be appropriate to post the soundtrack. Why? Because the movie is so fucked up, that's why. The movie really doesn't make much sense until the very end, and that's if you're bright enough to add everything up. There's a guy that likes to masturbate to some broad hanging her laundry. Every dry-cleaners owner you see is deformed - one is a midget, the other has one leg. There's an old homo in a bubblebath with a bird fetish. A whore gets paid a hundred bucks to fuck two sweaty, fat dudes while a 13 year old boy watches. The police decide its a good idea to put the body of an unidentified dead girl on display, nude, and leave her open to the public in hopes of anyone recognizing her. Would be kinda hard, considering her head is black and charred.

Its a confusing mess, but I enjoyed it. It just feels so dirty. I almost felt like I had killed the bitch. As for the soundtrack, Riz Ortolani is a musical genius.


Vinnie Rattolle said...

Well thanks to your summary, I'm gonna have to track down the movie itself. It sounds utterly insane (which is right up my alley)!

retard said...

I've heard a lot of people flat out trash this movie, but I dug the shit out of it.